  • Legs
  • Gluteus
  • Calves
Trainer:Ann Summer
Equipment:No Equipment
  • Legs
  • Gluteus
  • Calves
Trainer:Ann Summer
Equipment:No Equipment

Start with the standing position with feet hip-width apart. Make a wide step forward creating a 90-degree angle with your knees.

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The hamstrings are often underestimated. Usually, training focuses on the quads and calves, but the hamstrings seem to be less important. However, it should be remembered that neglecting any muscle has aesthetic and health consequences that you can avoid by working with it well. The reason you shouldn't forget about these muscles isn't just because of the symmetry and the look of your body. A weak hamstring is one of the most common causes of injuries most professional athletes have. Best Workouts for Hamstrings The best way to strengthen your hamstrings is, of course, exercising. So let’s talk about these workouts. Barbell 90The main benefit of this exercise is that you don't need lots of equipment, just a barbell. Start in a standing position with a barbell on your shoulders, keeping your back straight at all times. Bend your knees slightly, stretch your glutes, and bend forward 90 degrees. Then inhale and return back to the starting position. In addition to the hamstrings, this exercise will also strengthen your glutes and back. HyperextensionHyperextension is a great exercise for the hamstrings, as well as the muscles in the lower back and glutes. Sit comfortably on the hyperextension machine with your heels firmly resting on the platform at the bottom of the machine. Cross your arms over your chest or behind your head. Smoothly lower yourself down until you feel a stretch in the muscles of the lower back and hamstring while inhaling. Without delay at the bottom point, straighten to the level of the starting position, exhaling. Then return to the starting position. Throughout the exercise, keep your head in line with the body, keep your back straight. Tights upThis exercise can be performed on two horizontal bars on the playground, or simply put your feet on a chair or bench. We will describe the home workout option. Sit on the floor with your feet on the chair. Raise the body on your hands so that the tights are up in the air. Bend your knees and lift your tights up so that your body is parallel to the floor. Do 7-8 reps. One foot and dumbbellsThis exercise works well but requires a nice sense of balance. Take dumbbells in your hands, take one leg back and do not lower it to the floor until the end of the exercise. After that get to the previous position. Repeat this exercise a few times until you are tired. Final Word Hamstrings might seem insignificant but it doesn’t mean that you can skip working on these muscles. In fact, strong hamstrings will protect you from many injuries. So do not hesitate and start working on these muscles right now.
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Before choosing the best exercises for the deltoid muscles, you should learn their structure. These muscles consist of three parts, and in order to achieve good results, you need to pay attention to each of them to ensure their harmonious development. And in this case, there is a whole set of exercises aimed at parallel and sequential working out of all ligaments of deltoid muscles. Best Exercises for Deltoid Muscles In order to have strong deltoids, you have to regularly train them, which is why we suggest you take a look at these exercises for deltoid muscles. Sideways dumbbellsIf you are interested in building the back delta of the shoulder, then this workout is what you need. This exercise extensively involves not only the deltoid but also the trapezius muscles. Take the dumbbells with a neutral grip and lean forward slightly, keeping your back straight, and the dumbbells should now be raised to the ear level. To do this, you need to bend your elbows and take the starting position by slowly lowering your arms. Front liftThrough this exercise, you can achieve excellent upper muscles and the muscles of the trapezium. Take the dumbbells while being in a sitting position. Lower your hands. Now you should lift the dumbbell to the point parallel with the floor. At the same time, the arm remains straight. When you reach shoulder level, stop. Lower the dumbbell in the same way. Do the same with the other hand. Lifting sidewaysExperts recommend carrying out these exercises for effective pumping of the lateral deltoid muscles. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the correctness of the exercise, therefore strictly follow these instructions: Stand up straight with dumbbells in your hands. Now slowly lift the dumbbells. Once the dumbbells are at your shoulder level, you should stay in this position. After that, slowly lower our arms, thereby returning to the starting position. Barbells pressTake the shell on your chest, bring your elbows forward, tighten your abs, buttocks, and legs. Lift the bar up, lower it back and repeat. When the bar passes your face, do not lift it upper, but put it to yourself: this way the bar will go along the optimal trajectory. If at the top point the projectile remains in front of the body, and not above it, the load on the lower back increases. Therefore, try to take the barbell behind your head. Do three to five sets of six to eight reps. Handstand push-upsThis exercise movement itself repeats the barbell press up in a reduced range. Stand in a handstand with your feet on the wall. Bend your elbows, lower yourself and touch the floor with your head. Put yourself back and repeat. Place your head on the floor more carefully (careless movements can damage your neck). To make the exercise easier, place something under your head, such as a rolled blanket or several thick books. To complicate things, place firm support under your arms. Perform as many times per set as you can. Do 3-5 approaches, depending on how you feel. Wrapping Up Developed deltoid muscles will make you look athletic and simply stunning, so if you dream of a beautiful body, make sure to do some of these exercises.
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The calf muscles are often neglected in the early training stages when people concentrate on working out the chest, arms, and back. As a result, exercises for building calves are postponed or performed extremely rarely, which leads to a lack of progress. The muscles of the lower legs, as well as the deep muscles of the back, practically do not rest during the day, as they have to bear the weight of the body, help maintain balance, and stabilize the joints when walking. This means that it is focused on a low level of development and the way of working with it should be different.Here are some exercises for calves. Calves 45Among all the exercises this one is aimed at developing the calf muscles, it is also one of the most difficult ones. It's all about changing the angle of the legs, which allows you to use not only the calves but also the soleus. To perform this exercise, you need Gakkenshmidt's Machine. Depending on the design, you will be facing it or not. Set a suitable operating weight. It is calculated as the arithmetic average between the working weights in the two previous exercises. Next, select the weights according to the loads. Then you need to lower the heels, trying to stretch the calf as much as possible. Perform a toe lift. Lock in the position of extreme tension for 1-2 seconds. Calf raises with dumbbellsThis exercise is designed for athletes of any level and is considered the main one for working out the calf muscles. Stand on a wooden block. You can perform a movement in Smith, getting a step platform under your feet, and put the barbell on your shoulders. Fix the body in a straight position. If additional weight is required, dumbbells or weights should be taken. Next, you need to lower your heels below the level of the bar, trying to stretch the ankle as much as possible. Rise on your toes with a powerful impulse movement. Stay in this position for 1-2 seconds and tighten the calves. Slowly lower and get back to the starting position. Seated calf raisesThis exercise is great for lazy training and will be a perfect option for beginners. Sit on the machine seat. Place the toes of the feet on the support step. Lower your heels to the floor as much as possible. Lower the lever with soft stops on your knees and lock. Leg pressLie on a leg press machine. This uncommonly effective device for working out the legs can be used for training the calf muscles. Look for the platform where the legs would be straight. Fix the speed. You only need to do two actions. Remove the platform from the stops and squeeze it out with your toes. Return the socks to their original position. It is important to know that the effect of posture on the development of the lower leg and calf muscles is much stronger than the effect of training. Flat feet, if not taken into account and not compensated, also interfere with bringing the shape of the lower leg. To improve your calves without exercising machines, you can simply choose the right shoes and adjust your gait. Wrapping Up Developed calves not only help you perform certain exercises better but also make your legs look simply gorgeous. Therefore, take another look at these exercises and make sure to at least give them a try while working out next time.
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The quadriceps is a large and strong muscle that plays the role of the main extensor of the knee joint. Since the knee joint carries the bulk of body weight, the quadriceps is the main muscle of the lower part of the thigh. In fact, if this muscle was weak, people simply would not be able to keep an upright posture. The quadriceps muscle consists of the following parts: straight, internal, external, and middle. Despite this, the load during a variety of exercises falls entirely on this muscle. Workouts for Quads Of course, it is very important to strengthen your quadriceps, so let us take a brief look at some of the best exercises for these muscles. Barbell and dumbbell lungesLunges can be done in different ways - with a barbell, dumbbells, walking around the hall, or from a standing position. Consider options in which the athlete stands in one place, using either a barbell or dumbbells. It is similar to the position when squatting with a barbell on the back. Step forward with your right foot. The lunge should be such that the thigh of the working leg at the lowest point is parallel to the floor. At the same time, the knee of the left leg almost touches the floor and also forms a right angle. Return to the previous position. Swap legs - lunge with your left leg forward. Leg pressThe leg press eliminates the work of the back and buttocks as much as possible. At the same time, the simulator makes it possible to work with a much higher weight than in squats. In order for the load to fall on the quadriceps, you need to press when setting your feet shoulder-width apart. The execution technique is the following: the back and head are tightly pressed against the back of the simulator, the legs are almost completely straightened and rest against the frame, the hands firmly hold the handles. Bend your knees to form a right angle between your hips and lower legs. Return the legs to the previous position. One leg squatsCan't go to the gym? Squat on one leg. This is a great exercise for the quadriceps, with which you can load your legs without using additional weights. Start in a standing position, slightly extend one leg forward. Squat down, extending the leg forward and straightening it. Return to the previous position. Do at least 10 repetitions for each leg. Kick SquatStand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly turned to the sides. Place your hands on your belt or hold them near your chest. The emphasis should be on the middle of the foot. Sit down in a horizontal position of your hips, do not forget to keep your back straight. Stand up and shift your weight to one side. Raise your knee to a horizontal position and kick. The kick should go in one motion. Fitball squatsPlace your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, turn your toes to the sides at 45 degrees. Take the fitball, keep tension and natural deflection in your lower back, your shoulders should be straight as well as your neck. Take a fitball and raise your arms to shoulder level. Along with inhaling, start to bend your knees to the sides, making sure they do not protrude over your toes. At the same time, your buttocks should go down first. The center of gravity lies on your heels. While squatting down, slightly get your back forward, with outstretched arms and raise the fitball above your head. Do 30-50 repetitions. Final Thoughts Everyone dreams of beautiful legs and, luckily, getting gorgeous quads is not that difficult at all if you know what you are doing. So why don’t you give these exercises a try?
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Every athlete gets injured sooner or later, especially runners, and most injuries are in the ankle joint, inner and outer parts of the foot, etc. What can be the reason? Too much training, weights, and the distance you actually run. It can be too difficult for feet because all our lives we walk in footwear, most people live a “lazy lifestyle”, which is why ankles and feet do not properly develop. So if one day you just start to run many kilometers the muscles of the foot will be overloaded - this leads to various injuries and inflammations. Exercises for Strengthening Feet Obviously, in order to be able to do any exercises safely and without any consequences for your health, you have to train your feet. So let us take a brief look at some of the exercises for these muscles. Warm-upsSit down, concentrating on your toes. Raise your thumb up. At the same time, press the remaining 4 fingers to the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Now press your thumb and lift the other 4 fingers up. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times for each leg. A knotTake a rope of medium thickness, about a meter long. Place the rope on the floor and sit on a chair in front of the rope. Pinch both ends of the rope with your toes. Try tying a knot. Do the exercise for 5 minutes. Attention: this is quite a difficult exercise. Feet writingPut a piece of paper on the floor. Sit in a chair and place one foot on a piece of paper. Grasp the handle with your thumb and forefinger. Try to write any word, for example, 'Mom'. Do the exercise for at least 3-5 minutes. Attention: this exercise is quite difficult! Do this exercise for 3-4 minutes. RollingSit in a chair. Keep your back straight. Place a tennis ball under your foot. Roll the ball back and forth. Don't forget your back. Do not relax and keep it even. Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes. Repeat with the opposite leg. TowelSit in a chair and place a towel under your leg. Grab the towel with your toes. The heels should be flat on the floor. Bend and unbend your fingers as you slowly pull the towel towards you. Change legs and repeat the exercise. Do 2 sets of 10 reps. You can do more If you want. Toes upYou can do this exercise anywhere, even in the office while you work at your desk. Sit with your feet flat on the floor. Raise your toes so that your foot arches. Slowly lower your toes while maintaining arch, so you can feel the tension in the arch of your foot. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then relax your feet. Do 5 reps for each leg. Wrapping Up Strong feet will enable you to safely do plenty of exercises, so do not underestimate feet workouts and do them at least a couple of times a week.
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